Thursday, February 22, 2018

Changes Bring Blessings

Grandma Sabbatical Tour 2018

While having my coffee today I felt the urge to share the news of my new venture.  Actually, it isn't that new, I've been on this journey for 33 years now, but I forget that I've been in the service of my family since the day that my husband and I said, "I do." Funny how one milestone that brought so much change into my life years ago, today is my normal. The changes that I've experienced have certainly developed many aspects of my being.

From the time that I can remember, I've always been a bit of a dreamer. Constantly pondering, what's ahead for me. You can say that I'm a hopeless romantic, always dreaming of the what if... Or how about... If only.... These were not questions due to dissatisfaction, nor displeasure with my life. They were and still are, the way I've dealt with the awareness that I'm not here by chance. My life, would have no purpose, nor value, if I wasn't in the search to serve my family.

This dreaming habit of mine has helped me accomplish many wonderful things. Perhaps a bit fairytale-ish, but I'm the protagonist enjoying it all! So this little blog, will be messy, filled with rants about whatever I'm dreaming about. It may, or may not make sense. Perhaps it will stir doubt or motivate you. I certainly feel like a ship with a huge sail waiting for a gust of wind to set me off.

Oh! about that venture... I'm taking another Grandma Sabbatical! Yep! I'm a proud granny (I'm just 51 y.o.!!!!) of a brand new baby boy! After having three daughters of my own, and my eldest having three beautiful girls ( 4 y.o and a set of 2 y.o. twinsies) we now have the first boy born to my family in 62 years!!!!!  Hence, the title of today's blog- Changes bring blessings!

A Year in a Post!

I have no excuse for not writing in almost a year! A year that was pretty much as perfect as the theory of Six Sigma Certification  states....